My Joy!

As I watched from the hill, I watched them take my joy and nail it to a tree. They brutally drove each nail into his flesh. He screamed in silent pain. He moaned in agony and as they picked up the cross and DROPPED it into a hole in the ground. He cried out to his Father “Why have you forsaken me?” and yet he knew that His Father could not look upon sin.

I watched as my Joy hung on a macabre torture device and yet I could see that He had love in his eyes. He cried out “Father forgive them, for they know not what they do?” Yet they knew what they were doing. They were destroying a life that they didn’t or wouldn’t understand. He looked upon them with a kind of love that no one has ever seen before or after.

My Joy looked down and saw all these people and knew that these were why He was dying. All those years ago, when he was but a mere baby, he knew that he was born for this very day. He looked down and saw some of his disciples and other followers. Most had scattered to the four winds as he said they would. His mother Mary was there cradled in the arms of his beloved John. He looked at them and said “Son behold your mother. Mother behold your son.”

He looked down and saw the soldiers, gambling over his clothes. He heard a voice to his right. It was full of hate. “If you are who you say you are, then save yourself and us!” The other voice he heard was gentler and repentive. “Stop, we deserve what is happening to us. We committed those crimes and this is what we deserve, but he did nothing wrong. He is an innocent lamb. Jesus, remember me when you come into you kingdom.” My joy looked at him and amid the pain of pushing himself up to talk he said. “My Child, today you will be with me in paradise.”

Even in the painful death that he was going through, he knew that Judas was dead and he mourned for him. He scanned for Peter but could not see him. He had, just as he said he would, denied him three times. He knew that he was crying in some alcove, scared to look upon his Joy. My Joy scanned the rest of the area and he could feel his life drain from his body. He stopped and looked right at me. He smiled as he spoke “I love you with a never ending love. YOU are why I am doing this. You are my joy! “

My Joy screamed “Father, into your hands I commend my spirit.” and then he moaned “IT IS FINISHED!” and hung his head and died.

Today is Good Friday. Never understood why they call it “Good” Friday because well I would have called it “Sad” Friday. It is a sad day and yet is it is a joyful day as well. Jesus died for us. He spread his arms and died for us. He did so because he loved and loves us with a never ending love. Jesus looks at you just like he looks at everyone else and offers the same salvation that the thief got to everyone. All you have to do is ask and believe that He died for you!

Jesus Is Lord! Let him be the Lord of your life!

“Keep Looking Up! For His Coming Is Nigh!”

Copyright March 29th 2024 William Ley!

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